Monday, 27 August 2012

Happy Glastonbury Contemporary Pagan Exclusive Art

The Goddess a beautiful piece of art freely given to us by the Wonderful and Talented Artist at Happy Glastonbury, a local shop selling the most awesome pagan, spiritual gifts and Art in Glastonbury. If your in Glastonbury this shop is a must.

She is now the feature of our bay window in our living room and looks completely at home, even the kittens are giving her a wide berth.

Glastonbury is a lovely place, with so many things to see and do especially if your a practising pagan, we managed to squeeze in so much in the two days we were there and i took some fantastic photo's of birds of prey at the Glastonbury Abbey, and some awesome flower close ups at the famous World Healing Centre Chalice Well.

We were also very lucky to be allowed to attend the Maitreya Project Heart Shrine Relic World Tour at Chalice Well of which I have some amazing photo's of the Relics and even some very strange ones.

Keep an eye out over the coming week to see some of the photos of our trip, some of which I am hoping to transform into contemporary oil paintings this year.

Happy Glastonbury

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Sometimes an email is awesome!

I get hundreds of emails a day wading through them is like wading through mud sometimes, sometimes I just select all, delete but that's very rare.

Occasionally though, an exciting mail shot creeps into my vision, I click thinking omg could this really be an offer I cant refuse, after refusing 99 other, I cant refuse offers?

One such mail hit me today, its from the Jackson Art Supplies store, a store that I buy from and a store whose mail shot I have signed up for; this mail contained a link, a link to a colour mixing interactive chart. It uses Acrylics from Golden but its an awesome bit of kit. You can upload a picture, click on a section on the picture a voilĂ , the chart shows you the colour and how to mix it

Click here for more information, go on, its worth it!!!

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Its been a massive week for me

I have had so much going on this week with working a full time job, planning out my first few tattoo clients tattoos' at my new studio and busily preparing for a short weekend away to Gastonbury next week its been manic and I have had no time to post.

So this is a brief update of my life, its hectic, its manic, its full, its tiring but I woulld not change it for the world.

In other news, we are getting a chocolate labrador puppy to add to our menagery and Sammy is busy tapping away looking at all the puppies to choose from;  I'd better get them there tattoo guns a working quick time

I have also been asked to provide the story board and artwork for a new adult dark fantasy comic, its mad I'm scared and nervous but thrilled to be asked

I am not able to give you a synopsis of the comic but all I can say is watch out Marvel!!!!

Wednesday, 1 August 2012


I found a lovely website Click here today via Twitter of an artist who specialises in Pyrography Art, an art which both myself and my wife Sammy have recently acquired some skill in.

Pyrography is the burning of a design, say a landscape, onto a piece of wood or leather, or anything really that will burn withough being destroyed. I guess it really smoulders the support with which you are using at the time but its easier to describe the action as burning.

Take a look at this basic video below to see what its all about, happy art making you guys.

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